Cancellation Policy & Request Form

To cancel, the payer of the membership must provide a written/email request to cancel. A written request to cancel can either be done in person by visiting your membership location; or by completing and submitting the Cancellation Policy and Request Form. Cancellations are not accepted over the phone. When processed, the payer will receive a cancellation confirmation via the email address listed on file. Facility access remains active until the last day of your payment period. Cancellation fees are included in your Joiner Fee. If there is a balance owing on your account, this must be paid before you can cancel.

PRYMCA Cancellations

Your Name(Required)
Your Birthday(Required)

List the name of the member(s) on the account whose membership is to be cancelled:

Are any members that are being cancelled today enrolled in programs such as group swim lessons, Karate or After Day Play?(Required)