Child Care and Day Camp Financial Assistance Program Information

At the YMCA, our mission, vision, and values drive everything we do. The YMCA Annual Campaign is focused on raising much needed financial support for individuals and families who are unable to afford the full cost of participation in a YMCA program or activity. The YMCA is a charity committed to providing access to all members of the community. Donors to the YMCA make this possible with their generous gifts.

How to Apply

  • Fill in the online submission form or visit the YMCA to receive an application.
  • Gather the required documents.

  • You will be contacted by the YMCA to discuss your application or to arrange an appointment.

  • The following documents will be required before your application can be approved.

The following documents will be required before your application can be approved:

  • Most recent Notice of Income Tax Assessment(s) for household family members

  • Previous month’s paystub(s)

  • Other sources of income (e.g. Child Tax Benefit/Child Care Supplement, rental income, employment insurance, disability/low income supplement, CPP, OAS, Workers Compensation)

  • Void cheque or credit card to activate your pre-authorized monthly payments

  • Bring a credit card to make your first payment

  • Provide photo ID for ages 16 or older (driver’s license, student card, passport, refugee status certificate, permanent resident card)

Once we receive your completed application form, and we have received your required documents, we calculate your fee based on a review of your household income and the size of your household.

We will do our best to review your application right away upon receipt of all documentation. Occasionally we may require additional time to properly assess your application. In such cases we will contact you by phone no later than two business days after receiving your completed application and required documents.

Fee assistance is provided on an annual basis, unless you self-identify with YMCA staff that your financial situation has changed. To renew, we ask that you visit us one month prior to your expiry date with a copy of your Notice of Income Tax Assessment(s) to reaffirm your eligibility.